You may remember Dolphin Telecom, we talked about them when they were close to launching as an MVNO. That was back in 2022 and the company has evolved since we first talked about it.

Just so we are on the same page:

An MVNO, or Mobile Virtual Network Operator, is a company that provides mobile phone services without owning the wireless network infrastructure. Instead, it buys network access at wholesale prices from larger carriers like Econet or NetOne and then sells mobile plans to customers under its own brand. This allows MVNOs to offer competitive pricing and unique plans while relying on the established networks for coverage and quality.

Dolphin Telecom is more than just an MVNO and today we talk about some of their work as an internet aggregator and managed service provider (MSP). This simply means they combine multiple internet services from different providers into one platform, offering a single bill and centralised control.

Internet aggregation
As an internet aggregator, Dolphin collects internet services from various providers into one platform, simplifying management for users. An internet aggregator could combine the services of mobile operators like Econet with the fixed service of TelOne for example.

As Zimbabweans, we don’t need telling how unreliable ISPs can be and many of us have multiple lines and services just so we have a backup. This illustrates just how valuable an internet aggregator would be.

Managed Services
Here, Dolphin remotely monitors and manages the IT infrastructure and end-user systems of other businesses.

This involves stuff like network monitoring and maintenance to help desk support and cybersecurity. MSPs offer a cost-effective and efficient way for businesses, particularly small and medium-sized ones, to access expert IT services without the need for an in-house IT team.

Optimised internet performance
Dolphin utilises smart routers to optimise internet performance for customers. In simple terms, they help prioritise important business traffic during work hours and reduce unnecessary data usage, making internet connections more efficient and cost-effective.

The smart routers they use have SD-WAN, which we have talked about before. For the benefit of those who don’t know,

SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Network) is like a smart traffic manager for a company’s internet. It helps you use different types of internet connections (like cable, fibre, or cellular) to send information between offices or to the cloud. This helps prioritise important activities, such as business tasks, during busy times, ensuring they get the best possible performance. SD-WAN also reduces the need for expensive hardware, lowers internet costs, and makes networks more secure and reliable.

Why you should care
As you might have been able to tell, there are some benefits to what Dolphin is doing that only accrue to businesses. However, there’s stuff that individuals could use.

For individuals
Dolphin says home users can expect data savings of up to 60%. Which should lead to real dollars saved. It appears Dolphin is confident in their internet performance optimisation.

They say you can enjoy services like Netflix with optimised quality without using excessive data. I know most of us are on capped packages and would greatly benefit from this reduced data usage.

For businesses
They can expect to save money too. Dolphin promises lower priced packages with reduced costs and waste. Again, they say savings of up to 60% when it comes to data usage are to be expected.

Then there is the whole prioritisation of business traffic during working hours advantage.

I think we all know that in the real world, some people will be streaming YouTube tutorials in 4K, right as some are trying to hold a video call. While the tutorials could be critical for that employee’s job, they still could affect other business operations.

The other benefits to talk about are those that are accrue to smaller businesses that cannot afford to have in-house IT departments i.e. better security, enhanced troubleshooting and support etc.

Good to see
The above sounds all rosy, however, we have to see what actually obtains on the ground. That 60% reduction in data usage would be great if it actually happened. There’s no reason to be sceptical of the claim but there is equally no reason to run with it as gospel.

The solution is to try it out and see just how good it is. Dolphin seems confident you will stay. With those savings I would stay, no doubt about that.

I think it’s small businesses that have the most to consider here. Here’s Dolphin’s pitch in summary:

I can’t tell you if this is the way to go but I sure am glad you have the option to get managed services now.

Which is my overall sentiment, I am glad Dolphin got the licence to operate in Zimbabwe. I wasn’t particularly aware of any internet aggregators in the market and I think there is value there. So, let’s hope Dolphin succeeds because their success means businesses and individuals saving a little money on their internet bills, at the very least.

If the above sounds good to you, find out more about these services on their website here, or WhatsApp +263717848204 or call +2638677210754-techzim