The Zimbabwe National Road Administration (ZINARA) today published the new vehicle licencing fees as was stated in Statutory Instrument (SI) 29 of 2022.
Statutory Instrument 29 of 2022.
CAP. 13:14 Vehicle Registration and licensing (Amendment) Regulations. 2022 (No. 23)
It is hererby notified that the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Development has in terms of Section 52 of the Vehicle Registration and Licensing Act (Chapter 13:14) made the following regulations:—1. These regulations may he cited as the Vehicle Registration and licensing (Amendment) Regulations. 2022 (No. 23).
2. Part II of the Third Schedule to the Vehicle Registration and Licensing Regulations. 1999 published in Statutory Instrument 427 of 1999. is repealed and the following is substituted—
ZINARA on Twitter
New ZINARA vehicle licencing fees
NET MASS | 4 Months (ZWLS) | 6 Months (ZWL$) | 8 Months (ZWL$) | 12 Months (ZWL$) |
Up 500kg | 3 240 | 4 860 | 6 480 | 9 720 |
1 501kg to 2 250kg | 4 590 | 6 885 | 9 180 | 13 770 |
2 251kg to 3 000kg | 5 400 | 8 100 | 10 800 | 16 200 |
3 00lkg to 3 750kg | 10 800 | 16 200 | 21 600 | 32 400 |
3 751kg to 4250kg | 13 500 | 20 250 | 27 000 | 40 500 |
4 251kg to 5 000kg | 16 200 | 24 300 | 32 400 | 48 600 |
5001kg to 5 750kg | 18 000 | 27 000 | 36 000 | 54 000 |
5 751kg to 6 250kg | 18 900 | 28 350 | 37 800 | 56 700 |
6250kg to 7000kg | 21 600 | 32 400 | 43 200 | 64 800 |
7001kg to 7750kg | 23 220 | 34 830 | 46 440 | 69 660 |
7751kg to 9 250kg | 24 840 | 37 260 | 49 680 | 74 520 |
NET MASS | 4 Months (ZWL$) | 6 Months (ZWL$) | 8 Months (ZWL$) | 12 Months (ZWL$) |
9251kg to 10 000kg | 26 640 | 39 960 | 53 280 | 79 920 |
10001kg to 10750kg | 35 550 | 53 325 | 71 100 | 106 650 |
10 751kg and above | 54 000 | 81 000 | 108 000 | 162 000″ |